Announcing the new Power Line Safety Initiative

April 15, 2021

Power Line Safety Initiative

Since August 2017, when we last hugged our sons, we have learned so much about ourselves, how each person finds a path through grief, and how our new normal looks and feels. For Stan and me, we have found purpose in demanding that electric utilities and government agencies make power line public safety a priority.

To further that lifetime mission, we have given our efforts a formal name – The Power Line Safety Initiative. Our mission is to prevent public injuries and fatalities due to unsafe power lines through enhanced legislative action, active industry oversight, and continued public education. We are committed to advocating for power line safety as long there are power lines that cross our yards, parks and lakes.

Stan and I have worked hard to be recognized as respectful and thoughtful advocates for improvements in a system where few consumers get a chance to be involved. We will represent the public’s concerns to hopefully prevent other families from experiencing our pain and devastation. There is so much more work we want to accomplish.

Therefore, it is time to expand our efforts. The first step is to create a forum where information about our mission, past accomplishments, and current efforts can be shared. As Facebook becomes a less favored platform, we are moving to the web. Our new website is –

The new website has a location where you can sign up to receive updates and emails directly to your inbox. The website is still a work in progress, eventually it will have several features including a blog, links to news, and education resources.

We want to thank all the members of the Demand Electric Power Line Safety in Texas Facebook group, we could not have passed the William Thomas Heath Power Line Safety Act with you. We look forward to having you join us as part of the Power Line Safety Initiative.