After Boy Scouts’ deaths, Hallsville mother works to promote power line safety

September 22, 2021

Members of Harrison County Republican Women pose with Michelle Brannon, a Hallsville mother who pushed for power line legislation, following the 2017 death of her son and two other Boy Scouts at Lake o’ the Pines. Brannon shared new initiatives as she served as guest speaker of the Harrison County Republican Women luncheon, Friday, Sept. 17, 2021.

Aug. 5, 2017 was the day that transformed the life of Michelle Brannon and her family forever.

It was the day the Hallsville resident, wife and mother of two experienced what no mother should ever have to — the death of a child due to a preventable tragedy.

On Friday, Brannon shared her grief during a luncheon hosted by the Harrison County Republican Women, explaining how she, along with many others, took a stand to push for power line legislation following the death of her son 17-year-old Will Brannon and two other Boy Scouts, 16-year-old Heath Faucheux and 11-year-old Thomas Larry. The Boy Scouts were fatally electrocuted at Lake O’ the Pines when the topsail mast of the catamaran they were in contacted a poorly maintained and dangerously low hanging power line.

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